The CrowdSec Security Engine is an open-source, lightweight software that detects and blocks malicious actors from accessing your systems at various levels, using log analysis and threat patterns called scenarios.
curl -s | sudo bashsudo apt-get updatesudo apt-get install crowdsec
Recommended collections, parsers and scenarios
cscli collections install crowdsecurity/linuxcscli collections install crowdsecurity/whitelist-good-actorscscli collections install crowdsecurity/iptablescscli parsers install crowdsecurity/whitelists
CrowdSec itself is not a blocking solution, it’s a detection engine. To block IPs, you need to install a bouncer. You can find a list of available bouncer here. To install the firewall bouncer, run one of the following commands, depending on your firewall:
sudo apt install crowdsec-firewall-bouncer-iptables# orsudo apt install crowdsec-firewall-bouncer-nftables
Support Docker
If you are using Docker, you need to modify the bouncer configuration to block requests to Docker containers. Edit the file /etc/crowdsec/bouncers/crowdsec-firewall-bouncer.yaml
and uncomment the line FORWARD
in the iptables_chains
To parse logs, you need to install a parser. You can find a list of available parsers here. After that you need to configure the parser to parse the logs you want by editign the file /etc/crowdsec/acquis.yaml
Example for nginx
cscli collections install crowdsecurity/nginx
---source: dockercontainer_name: - nginxlabels: type: nginx
Create own ip whitelist
You can create your own ip whitelist by creating the file /etc/crowdsec/parsers/s02-enrich/mywhitelists.yaml
name: crowdsecurity/whitelistsdescription: 'Whitelist events from my ip addresses'whtielist: reason: 'my ip ranges' ip: - '' - '' - '' - ''